We are redefining what’s possible
Shoreline’s plug-and-play asset performance management delivers breakthrough simplicity and cost efficiencies. Completely self-installed by non-experts, smart sensors automatically connect to the cloud and are auto-provisioned via a rich library of 30,000+ pre-built asset physics models.
This cloud-native approach requires no new CapEx, on-site experts or data scientists, operationalizing in days and delivering powerful machine-specific analytics. This highly secure, 100% subscription approach creates unprecedented APM economics and scales easily for new applications such as emissions monitoring.
Shoreline helps clients in asset-intensive industries maximize the performance and profitability of their operations, create a proactive and predictive approach to asset management, and accelerate sustainability initiatives. The company’s solutions are designed for machinery serving the energy, manufacturing, pharma and data-center cooling industries.

with the Industry’s First
Self-Install APM Solution


Easy to Use AI and IoT • Fully automated end-to- end • Plug & play with 24x7 asset monitoring • DIY sensor installation by non-experts • Highly scalable & cost effective
Industry Domain Expertise • Domain expertise built into the solution • Vendor engineers not required to install & manage • Deep asset & operational performance knowledge • Energy & emission reduction knowledge
Affordable, Scalable,
Actionable Knowledge
The challenges we help our customers solve

Asset intensive industries are plagued by
Unpredictable asset performance
Excessive lost production
Escalating costs
High energy use & Carbon footprint
Ineffective asset management is a key factor driving instability
Existing automation solutions are complex, expensive, not scalable and designed for experts

Millions of assets go unmonitored: inspected & analyzed manually or
How we help our customers improve profitability?
Improve Asset
Reduce Carbon
Optimize Production
& Operations
Eliminate unplanned downtime
Reduce maintenance by 30-50%
Improve efficiency by 5 - 15%
Extend asset life by 20 - 40%
Detect & cut GHG emissions
Monitor & reduce energy waste